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15 Pageant Contestant and Titleholder Gift Ideas

27, October 2020

So you’ve created a pageant budget and up until this point you’ve been doing an awesome job about sticking to it!  What you probably didn’t remember to budget into your pageant funds are contestant gifts and a gift for the outgoing queen. Is that really a thing? Yeah, it is! 

Some pageants make this mandatory; but even if it’s not mandatory, it’s always a nice gesture!

We’ve included some awesome ideas, like a compact mirror or a little note with a treat, to help you get started.

Pageant Contestant Gift Ideas

These gifts don’t have to be too elaborate considering you probably have to buy a number of them. The best thing to do would be to purchase gifts that you can buy in bulk or ones that are easy to make so that you’re not having to spend too much time or money on it. 

The idea of giving gifts to your fellow contestants is supposed to be fun and easy, not something that you should be stressing about whether or not you can afford it! 

Compact mirrors

How many times did you need to check your hair or your face before going onstage only to find that there isn’t a mirror around? Having one that’s small enough to keep in your bag or crown case will save the day! 

Amazon, $16.99



Jewelry Box

Every pageant girl needs a place to store her jewelry. This box is just small enough to fit in a purse or crown bag for those long rehearsal days or a quick place to put your jewelry after you get off stage without losing them. 


Amazon, $8.99




Make your own jewelry and give each contestant a little bracelet or necklace to remind her that she can do anything she sets her mind to. It’s a great way to boost each other’s confidence during pageant weekend. 

Amazon, $7.99



Motivational Bracelets

If you aren’t as crafty or just don’t have the time to create your own jewelry, you can buy bracelets like this for your fellow contestants as a simple and easy reminder that whatever happens during pageant weekend, her journey doesn’t end there.

Amazon, $14.99



Crown Pin

Every pageant girl knows that the sash during pageant competition never stays the way we need it to onstage or for photos, these cute little crown pins can help keep the sash stay in place and not be a huge distraction to the rest of the outfit. 

Amazon, $9.99 for 12



Manicure Set

We all know that pageant weekend can be stressful, the last thing you need is to worry about a broken nail or not having your nails looking their best too! Gift your fellow contestants a mini manicure set just in case she breaks a nail! 

Amazon, $15 for 6



Nail Polish

These Disney princess nail polish bottles are perfect for the younger divisions, or even the older divisions if you’re competing close to Disney World or Disneyland! Add a little good luck note to each bottle and your fellow contestants have a sweet reminder of you each time she paints her nails. 

Amazon, $9.99 for 12



Bath Bombs

What a better way to relax after a long weekend of competition than with a nice soak in the tub and a bath bomb! Add a little good luck note to each gift bag and your fellow competitors will thank you when they’re soaking those aching feet! 

Amazon, $41.99 for 50


Outgoing Titleholder Gifts Ideas

Customized mirrors 

Since you’ll know the names of the outgoing queens, it’ll be nice to give them a mirror that’s personalized with their name on it to commemorate their year. You could even choose to customize the mirrors with the same engraving on it to give to your fellow contestants. 

Amazon, $22.49 for 5



Mini Backpack

A girl can never have too many bags and who wouldn’t want this cute Disney-themed bag, especially if Nationals is in Disney World or Disneyland. 

Amazon, $22.99



Queen Status T-Shirt

Gift this to your outgoing titleholder to remind her that even though her reigning year is coming to an end, she will forever hold the status of queen. It’s a great reminder that whatever she moves on to do, she will do with confidence, flair and poise. 

Pageant Planet, $15



Pageant Hat

This is the perfect gift for a queen who plans to still continue her appearances and community service even after her reign. Keep this in the car for those sunny days or when you’re just looking for a casual look.

Pageant Planet, $15



I Woke Up Fabulous T-Shirt

Every queen already knows how amazing she is, help her let the world know what they’re missing out on! This shirt will remind her of her confidence even though she’s handing off the crown to someone else. It’s a perfect t-shirt to have in your pageant wardrobe for after the pageant or travel day.

Pageant Planet, $15




Personalized tumblers, who doesn’t like them? These would make a great memory gift for a queen to remember her reign by and be something that she can always use even after her reign. 

Personalized Tumbler With Lid and Straw Stainless Steel image 1

Etsy, $12.75



Mini Spa Kit

We all know how stressful pageant weekend can be let alone an entire year as a titleholder. Gift your outgoing titleholder a mini spa kit to help her wind down her year and finally get some relaxation time to herself! 

Amazon, $18.98


Did we miss any great gift ideas? Let us know in the comments below! 



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