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Teen Pageant Interview Example Questions and Answers

15, March 2023

As a young adult coming up in the world of pageants, you have learned over the years how crucial your pageant interview can be in the minds of the judges - whether it is held behind closed doors, or live in front of an audience! You have learned that these interviews take thought, care, and preparation, and that one of the best ways to prepare is to find example interviews from past pageant contestants. Below we have example questions from previous teen pageants so you can have an idea of what the judges are looking for in their interview questions. They not only want to know that you can speak thoughtfully and eloquently, but they also want to get to know you from the inside, and see what motivates and inspires you.

Why Are Pageant Interviews So Important?

The interview stage of your upcoming pageant is one of the first times that you will be able to show your personality, motivations, and thoughtfulness to the judges. Pageants aren’t just about looking pretty, they are actually about inspiring and creating thoughtful world citizens. The judges want to know what is really inside the brains behind the beauty, and the pageant interview is their chance to really get to know you.

The interview is the first time that the judges will get to see the real you! What do you think about, how do you approach your life, and how do you think through events and problems? They are looking to see where you see yourself for the future, and how you can use your position and privilege to create a better tomorrow for yourself and for your wider community. 

How you answer these questions can leave the judges rooting for you and hoping you do well for the rest of the pageant, or it can leave a sour taste in their mouths. Pageant Interview Preparation is key, and so is doing your research. Go through the questions below with your pageant interview coach to help work on your pageant interview skills.

How Are Teen Pageant Interviews Different From Miss Interviews?

The great thing about being a teen coming up in the world of pageantry is that you have your whole life ahead of you. We know that teens are the future of our world, so the judges want to see that you take yourself seriously. You are an important part of our society, and if you take that responsibility head on, you can make a world of difference - just look at Greta Thunberg! Teens are making waves across the globe, and if you believe in yourself, you can too.

However, you don’t have to be the next Malala Yousafzai to win your upcoming teen pageant, you just have to show who you are! As a young pageant competitor, you already know that you are hardworking and thoughtful, and the interview will allow the judges to see that shine from within. They may ask about school, extracurricular activities, sports, your family and friends, your inspirations and ideas, and what you see for yourself for the next few years. You don’t have to plan to become the first female president, you just have to show through your answers that you care about school, about being your best self, and the community.

As a strong young pageant contestant coming up in an ever-changing world, you have the ability to make a splash, and every great change-maker has to start small! The judges want to see that you value your community and that you believe your contribution matters - whether it be that you are a captain of the field hockey team, that you teach piano to underprivileged kids in your city, that you are running for student body president, or that you just applied for an internship in the mayor's office. It’s not about changing your entire world from the outside in, it’s more that they want to see that you are trying to be the best you that you can be!

They want to know what you are interested in and how you can use your growing skills to improve yourself and others. Perhaps you love to paint and have started helping out in a free art class for senior citizens, or you have a passion for music and dance and you believe that sharing your artistic voice can inspire others. Maybe you take your family and friendships very seriously and you strive to be the best friend and family member you can - it’s all a piece of what will make you great! What are you passionate about? And what are your goals?

Read on to get some examples of 20 pageant interview questions for teens:

Teen Pageant Interview Questions and Answers

  1. Who is your role model?

Example: My dad. He’s overcome a lot of obstacles to become a successful businessman meanwhile never missing a school event. 

  1. Do you think that pageantry helps you be a better student?

Example: Absolutely. I’m surrounded by people who help and mentor me. This not only helps me in life but also in school. 

  1. How do you describe pageants to your friends who do not compete?

Example: Pageants are a practice run for real life after we graduate. You learn how to create a resume, do makeup, speak in front of an audience, meet strangers and so much more.

  1. Why did you choose to compete?

Example: I wanted to meet new people and I saw how my friend increased her confidence. I thought, I want what she’s got!

  1. Why do you want to win this title?

Example: For me this is an opportunity to represent my city and it gives me the opportunity to meet my mayor, volunteer and be a leader in school. 

  1. What is important to you and why?

Example: Quality time with family and living each day to the fullest.

  1. What would you change in this pageant and why?

Example: I’d remove the fitness wear portion and replace it with ‘costume’. It allows for more creativity and heritage to be shared.

  1. If you have one day to shadow anyone, who would it be and why?

Example: Betty White, if she were still alive.  I’d love to pick her brain about her life and pressures in the acting world.

  1. Do you feel it would be an advantage or disadvantage to compete with contestants who are married?

Example: I think it would be an advantage to have a well-rounded group of contestants so we can learn from each other’s experiences.

  1. If you could house a foreign exchange student or entertain someone from another country, what would you want them to experience in your community?

Example: The Circleville Pumpkin Show, the Columbus Buddy Walk, and my favorite restaurant.  I think it is important to show them all of my favorite things so they understand where I come from and how I was shaped into the person I am today.

  1. What has been the biggest challenge you’ve overcome?

Example: I had an unexpected loss of someone really close to me and it impacted me deeply. It showed me the importance of living life to the fullest, appreciating every moment, and sharing love with those closest to me so they always know how I feel. 

  1. Do you think social media is harmful?

Example: Social media isn’t itself harmful, if someone chooses to be an online bully or harass someone, then that’s an issue that person needs to resolve internally. I think it’s given people an easier way to bully and attack others online because they are hidden behind a screen, but I’ve seen a tremendous amount of positives that in my opinion outshine the negatives. Between community forums where you can interact with others, finding answers to questions, and spreading your own impact and positive voice is why I use social media. 

  1. What is a piece of advice you would give your younger self?

Example: I would tell her to believe in herself and know that everything will work out and be okay. When I was young I let myself too often be compared to others, let negative thoughts cloud my head, and didn’t appreciate my friends and family as much. I’ve learned the importance of loving every single part of myself unapologetically, know that my negative thoughts don’t need to control me, and that our time on earth is limited and to spread as much positivity and love with those around me as I can.

  1. How did you prepare differently for this pageant?

Example: In the past, I often got too in my head and let my negative thoughts take control of me. This time around, I filled my room with positivity posters, said positive mantras to myself regularly, and knew that as long as I went into this being 100% myself there wouldn't be anything I could regret! 

  1. What do you think is the most important lesson to teach our youth today?

Example: To take care of our Earth! We need to leave a world behind for generations to come. By taking action now and enforcing in the youth how to do that, we can help the earth and it will be something that is instinctual for the next generations and not something that constantly needs to be taught!

  1. Have you ever been a bully?

Example: I wish I could stand here and tell you guys I have never been a bully but I can’t. I truly can say I have never purposely gone out of my way to “bully” anyone. But there have been situations where I am not proud of the way I treated someone or handled a situation. I have been able to grow from the mistakes I have made to become a better person today.

  1. Who is your favorite villain?

Example: Oh! I love this! I think my favorite villain is Maleficent. I truly believe that she was just misunderstood!

  1. What is your mantra? 

Example: “Grow through what you go through” This mantra has been hanging in my living room for years. It reminds me that I have the option to grow through every experience and challenge life gives me. You can let challenges define you or you can grow from them!

  1. If you could get one message out to the world, what would it be?

Example: Live your life the way you want!!! We are all so worried about what other people think and making others happy that we forget to make ourselves happy!

  1. Do you have any unique family traditions, and if so, what are they?

Example: My family and I every year have “Family Games” and we all pair up and play silly games!  Whoever has the most points wins bragging rights for the whole year!! 



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