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Is your pageant rigged? Here's the safest way to ensure fair pageant results.

29, September 2023

The pageant industry has had its fair share of cheating scandals that have thrown lucrative pageants into disarray, ruining the reputations of contestants, and tarnishing the image of the entire industry.

Last year, the Miss USA 2022 pageant was engulfed in controversy relating to allegations that the results were rigged and that the organization had favored one contestant to win - Miss Texas, R'Bonney Gabriel.

Contestants who were competing alongside Gabriel walked off the stage when she was announced as the first Filipina American Miss USA 2022. The crowning moment, which should have been memorable for all the contestants, was ruined by the insinuations and the suspicions.

Miss Missouri, Mikala McGhee told Insider, "A lot of the girls felt like it was the organization's plan from the beginning for R'Bonney to win, no matter who else was competing." 

The Miss USA president, Crystle Stewart was suspended while an investigation was conducted as the scandal continued to play out on many social media platforms.

An investigation by an independent law firm cleared the organization of rigging and the organizers made a statement dismissing the allegations as “absurd” and “unfounded”. But the damage had already been done.

“The false rigging allegations are absurd and distract from the incredible milestones our organization and the delegates experienced this weekend,” the organization said. Then, a few months later, they released Crystle Stewart and brought in Laylah Rose, as new National Director.

Even though the Miss USA pageant had been cleared of any wrongdoing, the suspicions kept swirling and left a bad taste in the mouths of contestants, organizers, and the public. Dreams shattered, hopes deferred, and hearts broken…

Number #1 online solution for contestants and directors.

“If you're a contestant, you want to know that your pageant isn't rigged. Contestants who compete in a pageant using Scoresheet, Pageant Planet's free online scoring platform, have that assurance. If your pageant isn't using a secure 3rd party software tool to conduct scoring, especially one that's free, like ours, then you should be asking, why not?” says Roddy. 

More than 85,000 contestants are already using Pageant Planet to prepare for their pageant. 

You can join the world's #1 pageant community to help you win the crown and protect information your your judges will see! JOIN NOW!

“If you are a director, you need a 3rd party system that will protect your pageant from the dreaded "rigged" accusation. With Pageant Planet, directors have a free scoring platform that brings every element of pageant management together, while upholding the highest standards of integrity and fairness", says Roddy. 

If you are a director, run a profitable pageant with an online management system that works for you! JOIN NOW!

The right management platform can root out rigging.

The stakes are too high to allow the potential for rigging to affect the integrity and reputation of your pageant. Not only will rigging, or suspicions of favoritism, impact sponsorships and deals, but it sullies the experience for all involved. 

That’s why it’s essential to partner with a system that is able to function objectively and independently of the director to validate judges scores.

Steven Roddy, Founder and CEO of Pageant Planet, says “While technological advances do not offer a silver bullet, when properly designed, they can work to reduce discrimination and uphold the integrity of the pageants and contestants involved.

Pageant Planet is the number one pageant management system where contestants and directors manage their pageant journey seamlessly, speedily, and fairly.

Pageant Planet has built-in features to keep all parties on track to a successful and positive outcome:

  • The software system is tamper-proof and backed by the 'no-peak' promise (i.e. other directors cannot contact your contestants)
  • Contestant information is encrypted and secure and is only visible to those who have authorization to view the contestant material
  • Directors and organizers cannot 'steal' contestant information or share it with unauthorized parties
  • The robust scoring system, Scoresheet, is a digital pageant scoring tool ensuring fair and transparent pageant results

We all love the industry. We are in it together, wanting what's best for all involved. Join Pageant Planet today!


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