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9 Tips to Scheduling More Pageant Appearances

23, April 2015

If you're hoping to get a lot of appearances with your pageant title, you need to put in the legwork. While it's okay for your director to schedule some of them, you can do some good by putting your name out there. Follow these 9 tips to ensure that your calendar is booked with appearances during your year of reign.

Miss Ghana 2020 Chelsea Tayui. Photo: Chelsea Tayui

Tip 1: Contact Teachers

Teachers love having you come in their classroom and talk about your title and your platform or setting goals. There are plenty of teachers who would be thrilled to have you offer to come help them out for a period or for a whole day! This is great for college students who might have some flexibility in their schedule.

Tip 2: Look Up Parades and Festivals

If you can get scheduled with parades or in a festival helping out, you have the chance to really get your name out there and meet a lot of people. Plan these a few weeks or months in advance. (Read: What You Need to Know to Win a Festival Pageant)

Tip 3: Contact Other Pageants

Do other pageants in your area need someone to judge, to perform a talent, or to hold the princesses hands onstage? This is a really good way to promote yourself directly in the pageant community.

Tip 4: Speak at Clubs

Whether it's a school club or the community organization like Kiwanis, Lion's Club or Rotary, they love hearing from titleholders and learning more about pageants. Come talk about your platform! 

Royal International Miss Rhea Manjrekar. Photo: Rhea Manjrekar

Tip 5: Reach Out to Children's Groups

Boys and Girls Club and Girl Scouts are great places to interact with youth and set a positive example. You can use the same presentation you prepare for your school visits, but perhaps make it more interactive.

Tip 6: Contact Government Officials

You should set up a meeting with the mayor, town council or even governor during your year of reign. Find out if they'll be visiting your area anytime soon. Share the good news about your pageant title and you'll be surprised- they just might invite you to one of their meetings or to the governor's office!

Tip 7: Write a Press Release

Want to promote your title all over the community? Write up a press release as soon as you win the pageant, and mention that you are available for appearances. Community members looking for helping hands might spot that and offer you an opportunity.

Tip 8: Check Out Community Calendars

Whether it's a fair, a street festival or a special event in your town, offer to help out however you can. These events love having special guests and may allow you to judge something special or appear in a special photo op. Setting up a calendar and spending a day or two doing outreach can easily help you fill your appearance calendar.

Miss New Hampshire USA 2020 Alyssa Fernandez. Photo: Instagram via @missnhusa

Tip 9: Contact Nonprofits

Especially if you're involved in a pageant with a platform, you should contact all the local chapters of the nonprofits you work with. Cancer societies, animal rescues and other local charities often have annual galas or smaller events where you could make an appearance. (Read: How to Promote Your Platform Through Community Service). 

These are the best appearances because it allows you to give back to a cause you really care about and spread the word about your community service. Attending appearances themselves are a great way to pick up others. People will come up and ask you about your title and this is your chance to network and get even more appearances scheduled.


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