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Titleholders Respond to Voy Board Bullies

02, July 2014

The other night I was watching Breaking Bad on Netflix when my iPhone chimed telling me that I had a new email. I saw that it was a alert from Google and that they found someone talking about, "Pageant Planet".

Curious...I opened up my email and saw a mean comment about Pageant Planet.

When I saw the title of the alert I didn't click through because I didn't want to read that trash before I went to bed. While laying in bed and waiting for sleep to overtake me I was struck by this thought... "What if I read this for the first time in front of a camera, like Jimmy Kimmel does on "Mean Tweets"?"

Then out loud I said, "That would be AWESOME!" Then as one thought lead to another I got REALLY excited when I thought about having a few titleholders join me in confronting the Pageant Trolls who live on Voy and the various other social media outlets. The next day I made some calls to a few titleholders I knew and they said that they would LOVE to participate. In fact they were more enthusiastic than I had anticipated. The end result is this video. I hope you enjoy and if you want to confront your "Pageant Trolls" leave a comment below and you could find yourself in our next video. If you like it please consider sharing it on the social media platform that you like best to help these titleholders confront their trolls.

Pageant Trolls - Shrugging Off Bullying



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